School Counseling Curriculum: 20 Research-based and Ready to Use Small Groups
You Save: $50.50 (25%)
Elementary (2nd-5th)
Researched Based
ASCA & CASEL Aligned
Easy to Implement
Digital Download
Supports Pencils of Promise
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This comprehensive group counseling super bundle has everything you need to implement a full Tier II (small group) school counseling program. With 20 research-based small groups and ready-to-use lessons, engaging activities, and hands-on games you will have something available for every situation. This group counseling curriculum is set to ASCA Mindsets and Behaviors standards and has self-assessments to collect data-driven results.
Each group has activities, lessons, and games that can be pulled from to use with individual students or an entire class. The included posters are great for decorating an office and the data tracking tools will help you easily demonstrate your data-driven results.
Includes over 150 weeks of curriculum!
10 elementary small groups:
- Social Sleuths 10 Week Social Skills
- Mega Minds 10 Week Gifted Students
- Love Your Selfie 8 Week Girl’s Self-Esteem
- Self-Esteem MVPs 8 Week Boy’s Self-Esteem
- Wiggle Worms 8 Week Self-Control Group >>> # 1 Best Seller
- What Floats Your Boat? 7 Week Resiliency Building
- Steam Stoppers 7 Week Anger Management
- Blooming Friendships 6 Week Friendship
- Growing Minds 5 Week Growth Mindset
- Memory Keepers 5 Week Grief
10 upper elementary or middle school groups:
- Ready to Regulate: 8 Week Self-Regulation
- Calming the Storm: 8 Week Self-Control
- Executive Functioning: 8 Week Executive Functioning and Study Skills
- Social Fluency: 8 Week Interpersonal Skills
- Stress Busters: 8 Week Stress Management
- Pirates to Peacekeepers: 8 Week Conflict Resolution
- Growing Friends: 5 Week New Student
- Goal Climbers: 8 Week Goal Setting
- Tech Savvy Tweens: 8 Week Technology
- Living with Intention: 8 Week Mindfulness
↠ Group Rules: Suggested and DIY Group Rules poster so students can take ownership of the creation of the group rules and norms.
↠ Feelings Check: Feelings Check Poster to serve as a visual aid for students to self-reflect on their emotional state at the start of each session.
↠ Self-Assessments: Pre and post-group self-assessments to track student growth and make data collection easy!
↠ Outlines: Weekly, easy to follow, outlines with objectives to meet ASCA Mindsets and Behaviors standards.
↠ Journal prompts: 15 of the groups include reflective journal prompts to provide a writing opportunity for upper elementary students.
↠ Games & Activities: A wide variety of games and activities are in each group, including icebreakers, social stories, dice games, BINGO games, interactive worksheets, charades games, flipbooks, crafts, discussion cards, coloring sheets, sorting activities, matching games, role-play scenarios, discussion dice, board games, and collages.
In my experience, small groups are the best way to connect with students. I love that they are able to learn from each other and build relationships as we cover each topic.
At a minimum, being in the group allows students to identify and share their feelings, develop self-esteem through participation, and practice empathy while hearing others’ experiences.
With easy-to-implement outlines and activities, this group curriculum is very low-prep. Simply print out each session before students arrive and keep them in a file folder.
For tips on how to organize your small groups, check out this blog post I wrote. The self-assessments are a great way to get students to self-reflect on their progress and you can then share this information with teachers, and parents, or in your program report.
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Megan P. "This resource bundle has been an absolute life saver!"
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Amanda J. "I really enjoyed having the resources all laid out ready to go. I would print off the whole thing as a 'counselor copy' and then make copies of things for the kiddos as we got closer to their group day. I liked all the activities and would recommend them to another counselor to add to their collection."
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