School Counseling SEL Discussion Cards Bundle
You Save: $11.01 (36%)
Elementary (2nd-5th)
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These school counseling discussion cards are designed to get students talking. They are perfect to use with a small group, individual student, or even the whole class!
This bundle includes 337 discussion cards and covers 21 different SEL topics.
- Morning meeting
- Divorce
- Self-control
- Goal setting
- Grief
- Kindness
- Relational aggression
- Get to know you icebreakers
- New students
- Support systems
- Empathy
- Mindfulness
- Social filter
- Cyber safety
- Growth mindset
- Cultural awareness
- Social skills
- Gratitude - St. Patricks Day themed
- Gratitude - Thanksgiving-themed
- Healthy v. unhealthy friendships - Valentine’s Day themed
- Healthy v. unhealthy relationships - Valentine’s Day themed
Sometimes it can be embarrassing or hard for students to start conversations in a counseling setting. These cards are designed to get students thinking and talking whether it is about a specific topic or just breaking the ice.
Having a better understanding of their own feelings and those of their classmates will help students empathize and understand each other better, resulting in a better learning environment.
This activity is ready to use simply print and cut out the cards.
Who Is This Designed For?
These discussion cards are designed for students grades 2-5. They can also be modified to work for other grades.
⁕ Social Skills & Prosocial Behaviors
⁕ Tattling Vs. Reporting Game Show
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