Did you know you can transform your counseling program by using data collection tools so you can better serve your students and advocate for your role? My favorite data collection tool? An End of the Year Report.

What is an End of the Year Report?

This is a report you create at the end of the year to show how many students you served, how many class lessons you taught, and even how much time you spent with students!

What to include in an End of the Year Report?

Must Have Stats

  • Number of students served (broken down into individual and small group)

  • How much time you spent with students (average minutes per session over how many weeks)

  • Class guidance lesson topics covered and how frequently you taught them

  • Character education school-wide activities you hosted or implemented

  • PD, conferences, or trainings you attended or presented at

  • IEP, SST, etc meetings that you attended (include how many hours)

Data Collection Sources

  • Student self-assessments

  • Teacher/parent feedback

  • Observations

  • Pre and post group surveys

  • Progress monitoring scales

Why create an End of the Year Report?

It is a great way to reflect on your program’s progress and feel proud of all of your hard work!

  • Interpret the data to modify your program

  • Showcase the data to advocate for your role

  • Communicate your program's effectiveness using the data

Creating an End of the Year Report allows you to know exactly what your program needs and increases the value for your position. This makes you feel prepared and confident to best serve your students!

You can then analyze your End of the Year Report data to improve your counseling program. By collecting data to assess student needs, you can see what's working well...and what's not! You can then modify your counseling program to best serve all students.

I have the data…now what?

  • If your data shows that the student has improved, celebrate! Then transition them to a lower tier of intervention.

  • If the data shows that the student has not improved, reevaluate. Refer out, move them up a tier, or refine the curriculum.

In addition to using the data to better serve your students, you can showcase the data to advocate for your position and get the recognition you deserve. An End of the Year Report is the ultimate self-advocating tool! This is a chance for you to brag on yourself and show the need for your program. Click here to get a template to get started!

Tips for Creating an End of the Year Report

Include data from services provided (think number of students seen, lessons taught, etc) and student progress data. You can include student progress data by showing any graphs of charts that demonstrate how students have changed since they started counseling services.

Communicating your services provided

Be sure to touch on these points:

  • How you provided direct services with students

  • How you supported teachers (lessons, behavior plans, etc)

  • How you supported parents (meetings, parent ed)

  • How you collaborated with the community (community service, career fair, etc)

Communicating your students' progress

Be sure to touch on these points:

  • Self-assessment data

  • Behavior progress monitoring data

  • Parent / teacher feedback surveys

  • Attendance data

Using an End of the Year Report is a game changer! Have you tried one?


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