Showing 360 products
This editable School Counseling End of the Year Report is the perfect way to show your principal and stakeholders how many students have been impacted by your counseling services. Not only will the data you collect in this report help...
Looking for a ready-to-use relational aggression small group? You'll love this complete 6-week relational aggression group that includes weekly outlines with objectives aligned to CASEL Standards and ASCA Mindsets and Behaviors. This resource includes everything you need to run a...
Looking for a NO-PREP size of the problem activity? This editable Google Slides™ and Boom Learning activity will help students learn about the size of the problem and appropriate reactions! This would be perfect for a classroom lesson, small group...
Looking for a ready-to-use small group for students that struggle with anxiety? You'll love this complete 8-week anxiety and stress management group that includes weekly outlines with objectives aligned to CASEL Standards and ASCA Mindsets and Behaviors. This resource includes...
This self-regulation curriculum is designed to be used with students in an individual setting. Through engaging activities, crafts, and games, students will learn the strategies and coping skills they need in order to reduce anxiety. Each session includes an outline...
This worry and anxiety individual counseling curriculum is designed to be used with students in a Tier III one-on-one setting. Through engaging activities, crafts, and games, students will learn the strategies and coping skills they need in order to reduce...
This resource is 50% off for 48 HRS! Do you ever have primary students drop in your office who need support resolving conflicts? This grab and go conflict resolution counseling activity pack is research based and designed to give you eight low-prep and engaging activities...
This fun self-esteem girls counseling group helps develop confidence and self-esteem. Love Your Selfie is a low-prep 8-week girls' self-esteem group set to ASCA Standards and Objectives. Group members will practice self-reflection, communication, goal setting, and more with each week's...
Do you ever have elementary students drop in your office who need support resolving conflicts? This grab and go conflict resolution counseling activity pack is research based and designed to give you five low-prep and engaging activities to pull out at any time. Help...
Meet the Counselor Game Show: Looking for a fun way to introduce yourself and the role of the school counselor? This editable meet the counselor game show offers a fun, interactive way for students to learn about the role of...
Do you ever have students pop in with high need and hot topic referrals like anxiety, self-control, and social skills? Sometimes you just need a quick activity to pull out in a counseling session. That's why I created my grab-and-go...
This impulsive behavior individual counseling curriculum is designed to be low-prep and used with primary /K-2 students in a tier III one-on-one setting. Through engaging activities, hands-on crafts, and interactive games, students will learn the strategies they need to develop...