Showing 52 products

Looking for a one-stop shop for all of your school counseling needs? Need to make sure all of your curriculum follows research-based best practices? This comprehensive year-long three-tiered school counseling curriculum is designed to give you everything you need to...


Anger management is a topic that you will come back to again and again as a school counselor. With this three-tier curriculum, you will have an engaging, ready-to-use, research-based, school counseling anger management lesson with an activity to use no matter what...


Help elementary students better understand and overcome anger and frustration with this complete 7-week school counseling group. Steam Stoppers is a low-prep 7-week anger management small group set to ASCA Mindsets and Behaviors. Students will learn how to identify anger...


Looking for a ready-to-use small group for students that struggle with anxiety? You'll love this complete 8-week anxiety and stress management group that includes weekly outlines with objectives aligned to CASEL Standards and ASCA Mindsets and Behaviors. This resource includes...


This 6-week children of incarcerated parents small group is designed to help students cope with the loss of a parent or guardian due to prison. Within this comprehensive resource, you'll find lesson plans, activities, interactive worksheets, and more. This curriculum includes everything...


Looking for a ready-to-use small group that will empower students to resolve conflicts on their own? You'll love this complete 8-week conflict resolution & size of the problem small group. This curriculum includes everything you need to run a successful...


Conflict resolution is critical for helping students build and maintain strong friendships. This easy-to-implement 8-week elementary school counseling small group will allow students to practice being peacekeepers rather than pirates. Students will learn how to resolve conflicts and how to...


Are you looking for ideas to meaningfully terminate your counseling sessions? These end of the year counseling activities offer a fun way to wrap up and terminate your school counseling group and individual sessions. Activities Include: Counseling Termination Graduation Party...


This 6-week cyberbullying, digital citizenship, and cyber safety middle school counseling group is designed to help students recognize and engage in safe online behavior. In addition, students will learn about cyberbullying and assess the effects of screen time and social...


Looking for a ready-to-use divorce small group? You'll love this complete 5-week relational aggression group that includes weekly outlines with objectives aligned to CASEL Standards and ASCA Mindsets and Behaviors. This resource includes everything you need to run a successful...


Small group counseling is an essential part of an MTSS comprehensive school counseling program. This elementary school counseling group bundle includes 10 ready-to-use small groups for Tier II intervention, all of which are ASCA and CASEL-aligned! Topics covered include anxiety,...


This 6-week emotion recognition and self-regulation small group is designed to help students identify their feelings, emotions, and applicable coping skills to help them self-regulate. This curriculum includes everything you need to run a successful school counseling small group including...
