Showing 36 products

Do you have elementary students who need help understanding personal space and boundaries? Practice the Cactus is a super fun and engaging school counseling game that can be used to teach students these important skills. By “practicing the cactus" students...


Teach students self-control, self-esteem, friendship skills, social skills, anger management, and growth mindset with 6 stories and discussion dice. By externalizing their struggles to another child, students can reflect on everyday situations from a new perspective. This helps students practice...


Help kindergarten and other young students learn recess behavior expectations and develop social skills with this fun flipbook! Students will identify examples of acceptable and unacceptable recess behavior and how to be a good friend to their classmates. This flipbook...


The Girls Guide to Bullying: Help your students navigate girl bullying and relational aggression with this fun, easy-to-use, relational aggression activity pack! These relational aggression, and girl bullying activities and games are perfect for elementary and middle school counseling. Students...


Do your students display relational aggression behaviors such as gossiping, spreading rumors, manipulating, and controlling their friends? Relational Aggression is an essential topic to teach at the middle school level. This middle school counseling relational aggression lesson is thoughtfully designed to teach...


This relational aggression social skills game is a fun way to discuss appropriate response to RA situations with girls! With a limited number of response cards students have to think creatively to choose the best option for the scenario. Directions:...


Looking for a ready-to-use following directions lesson for your primary students? This following directions classroom guidance lesson is designed to be used with Pre-K to 1st-grade students in a tier 1 class lesson setting. Using an engaging story, activities, and...


This digital social distancing game provides a fun, interactive way for students to practice mask safety and appropriate greetings for social distancing. The images used in this resource are stock images of real people, not clipart, in order to make...


This SEL Boom Cards bundle requires no prep and is ready to use in person or to send directly to students. This bundle includes six different activities and covers a wide variety of Social Emotional Learning topics including anger management,...


This SEL Boom Card bundle is no-prep and ready to use or send to students. The bundle includes 6 different resources and covers mindfulness, stress and anxiety, expected vs. unexpected behaviors, social skills, growth mindset, and empathy. Boom Cards are...


Do you ever have primary students drop in your office who struggle with social skills? This grab and go social skills counseling activity pack is research based and designed to give you seven low-prep and engaging activities to pull out at any time. Help...


Social Skills Board Game: Help students practice important social skills and how to respond appropriately in a variety of social situations with this fun counseling game. Topics covered include, using a social filter, assessing if a behavior is expected or...
