Social Emotional Learning BOOM CARD Bundle - Digital SEL Activities and Games


You Save: $4.80 (26%)

Elementary (2nd-5th)

Researched Based

Ready to Play

Zero Prep


This is a digital resource. You will receive instantly upon purchase.

This SEL Boom Cards bundle requires no prep and is ready to use in person or to send directly to students. This bundle includes six different activities and covers a wide variety of Social Emotional Learning topics including anger management, size of the problem, coping strategies, social filters, feelings recognition, and self-regulation.

Boom Cards can be sent directly to students and are self-grading for instant feedback. They are also super fun to play in small groups or with the whole class using a smartboard!

**Save 35% with my Boom Card Super Bundle!**

UPDATE: All of my Boom Cards have been updated to include optional audio to assist students with reading.

Self-Regulation Activity Includes:

  • Teacher/counselor/parent instructions
  • Introduction guide to self-regulation colors with associated feelings and actions
  • Video clip and corresponding discussion questions
  • 34 Slide Boom Card Deck

Anger Management Activity Includes:

  • Teacher/counselor/parent instructions
  • 8 Slide Boom Card Deck
  • Multiple-choice to identify things that bother, upset or anger
  • Coping strategies suggestions
  • Who you can talk to suggestion
  • Fill in the blank

Size of the Problem Activity Includes:

  • Teacher/counselor/parent instructions
  • 16 Slide Boom Card Deck
  • True or false
  • Multiple Choice
  • Rank the problem on a scale
  • Who can help multiple choice
  • Fill in the blank

Coping Strategies Toolbox Includes:

  • Teacher/counselor/parent instructions
  • 21 Slide Boom Card Deck
  • Students will drag and drop 12 different coping strategies they can use for 18 different scenario cards.

Social Filter Activity Includes

  • Teacher/counselor/parent instructions
  • 45 Slide Boom Card Deck
  • Say it or think it scenario cards
  • Fill in the blank to replace thoughts with things you can say
  • Social Filter fact cards
  • Why we use a filter multiple choice and true or false
  • Fill in the blank discussion questions

Feelings Recognition Activity Includes:

  • Teacher/counselor/parent instructions
  • Two 11 Slide Boom Card Decks (one with cartoon images and one with real photos)
  • Students will look at an image and identify the feeling it demonstrates.

Saving Time:

The activities in this Boom Card Bundle are ready to use or send to students. Boom Cards require no preparation.

Benefit To Students:

Digital resources offer a great way to make resources more accessible to students. Boom Cards are more fun than traditional slides and provide a new way to engage students.

What are Boom Cards?

Boom cards activities hosted on their own platform called Boom Learning. Boom cards are paperless, no prep, interactive, self-grading, and SUPER FUN! Getting an account is FREE and your students can have access to these interactive games right away (without having to sign up for anything).


⁕ Boom Cards Super Bundle

Self-Regulation Mega Bundle

⁕ Digital Resource Bundle

⁕ Self-Regulation Journal *Now with Google Drive version

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