Anger Management Digital Activity with Editable Google & Boom Cards Version


Elementary (2nd-5th)

Researched Based

Ready to Play

Zero Prep


This is a digital resource. You will receive instantly upon purchase.

This anger management activity is designed to get students thinking about the different causes of their frustration and healthy ways they can cope with it. Students will identify things that bother, annoy and anger them, and then they will choose different coping strategies they can use to overcome those feelings.

This digital activity can be sent directly to students or used in person. The Boom Cards version has been updated to include audio on every slide to assist with reading.

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  • Link to editable Google™ Slides activity
  • Link to Boom Learning™ activity
  • Teacher/counselor instructions

Benefiting Students

Anger management issues can make it almost impossible for students to learn. This game will help students think about how they can better manage their anger and identify triggers.

At a minimum, this activity will allow students to define anger and identify anger management strategies.

Saving Time

This activity is ready to use and designed to be no-prep.

Who is this Lesson Designed For?

This activity is designed for students grades 1-5 but the slides are completely editable and can be changed to fit a wide variety of student needs.


Digital Resources Bundle

School Counseling Super Bundle

Steam-Stoppers 7 Week Anger Management Small Group

Anger Management Board Game

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