School Counseling Guidance Lesson BUNDLE - EDITABLE Classroom Guidance Lessons
You Save: $6.90 (22%)
Elementary (2nd-5th)
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This no-prep Guidance Lesson bundle includes 14 ready-to-use, editable, guidance lessons. Each classroom lesson is designed to teach a specific character education topic and be very low prep. All guidance lessons include an editable PowerPoint and Google Slides version.
Don’t stress about your classroom guidance lessons. With this bundle, you will have something available for almost every situation.
Looking for something different than PowerPoint style class lessons? My new class lesson bundle is just what you are looking for!
Included Guidance Lessons:
- Self-Regulation
- Empathy
- Self-Control
- Learning Styles
- Cooperation
- Determination
- Study Skills
- Bullying Prevention
- Focus and Attention
- Self-Esteem
- Cyber Safety
- Friendship
- Responsibility
- Growth Mindset
What do the guidance lessons include?
↠ Editable Slides: PowerPoints and Google Slides are great for presenting a classwide lesson. These editable lessons are easy to modify and can be customized for different grade levels and settings. Take what you need!
↠ Interactive Games: I love using games to help reinforce the lesson topic and get kids up and moving!
↠ Videos: Whenever I can find one I like to include a relevant video with the lessons. I have found that students love them!
↠ Discussion Questions: Each lesson is slightly different but they all include some sort of discussion question, ice breaker, or activity designed to get the students actively participating in dialogue about the topic.
Guidance lessons are a great resource to use alongside your character education program and are an essential tool for Tier 1 RTI practices. The interactive nature of these lessons will allow students to easily comprehend and practice using the information covered.
At a minimum, these lessons introduce students to new topics and allow them to practice empathy and other important social skills through group interaction.
These lessons are designed to be very low-prep. As counselors we sometimes find ourselves scrambling for lessons and this bundle is designed so that you have something ready to go no matter the situation.
Who are these lessons Designed For?
The ‘Guidance Lessons Complete Bundle’ is designed for students in grades 1-6. The editable nature of these lessons makes them easily adjustable to fit your specific needs.
⁕ Interactive Class Lesson Bundle
⁕ School Counseling Super Bundle
⁕ Counseling Board Game Bundle
⁕ Counseling Scoot Game Bundle
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