Meet the Counselor Board Game - Back to School Meet the School Counselor Lesson


Researched Based

Fun and Engaging

Easy to Implement

Digital Download

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This Meet the Counselor Board Game is a fun and engaging way to introduce yourself as the school counselor. Through playing the game, students will identify the role of the school counselor and how to access school counseling services. This game is simple yet effective at clarifying your role and reducing the stigma around counseling.


Doing a meet-the-counselor lesson accomplishes 3 things:

  1. Advocates for your role as a school counselor so it is very clear what duties you are and are not supposed to do.
  2. Helps all students get to know you in a fun, positive way. This sets a good foundation instead of the first time someone meets you is during a crisis.
  3. Shows the students how the monthly counseling lessons will look.


Meet the Counselor Board Game Includes:

  • Counselor’s Guide with suggested pre-game discussion
  • 18 game cards with True or False questions
  • Game Board


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