Resiliency Building Counseling Group with Digital Version


Elementary (2nd-5th)

Researched Based

ASCA & CASEL Aligned

Easy to Implement

Digital Download

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Do you have students that are easily frustrated and keep giving up? This 7 week elementary school counseling small group is perfect for helping students build resiliency, set goals, and learn strategies for not giving up. The fun nautical theme will help keep students engaged and all of the activities are designed to be very low-prep.

**Now includes an editable digital version.**

Group Outline

Week 1: Compass- Short and Long Term Goal Setting

Week 2: Anchor- Support Systems

Week 3: Barnacles- Eliminating Negative Thoughts

Week 4: Life Preserver- Second Chances and Resiliency

Week 5: Bumper- Avoiding Distractions

Week 6: Helm- Ownership and Self-reliance

Week 7: Waves- Resiliency

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 Group Rules: Suggested and DIY Group Rules poster so students can take ownership of the creation of the group rules and norms

 Feelings Check: Feelings Check Poster to serve as a visual aid for students to self-reflect on their emotional state at the start of each session

Discussion Questions- Nautical themed

Games & Activities: A wide variety of games and activities each week

 Self-Assessments: Pre and post group self-assessments to track student growth and make data collection easy!

Group Progress Tracker- Sailboat themed tracker helps students track progress and allows for easier group closure.

Activities Include:

  • Goal Setting Worksheet
  • Coloring Activity
  • Matching Came
  • Paper Chain Craft
  • Word Search
  • Circle of Control Activity
  • Cut and Sort


Each week students will learn skills they can use at home and school to help them build resiliency, set goals, and not give up. In addition, they will improve communication skills and learn positive self-talk, decision-making skills, and how to handle stress without getting frustrated.

At a minimum, being in this counseling group allows students to identify and share their feelings, develop self-esteem through participation, and practice empathy while hearing others’ experiences.


With easy to implement outlines and activities, this group curriculum is very low-prep. Simply print out each session before students arrive and keep them in a file folder. For tips on how to organize your small groups, check out this blog post I wrote. The self-assessments are a great way to get students to self-reflect on their progress and you can then share this information with teachers, parents, or in your program report.

Also, make sure to track your data and compile it in an end of the year report. Here is an outline I created to make it easy!

Who is this Group Designed For?

“What Floats Your Boat?” is designed for small groups of students grades 3-6 who give up easily when frustrated. It can also be modified to work for other grades and individual lessons.


⁕ Group Curriculum Bundle

⁕ Goal Setting and Motivation Group

⁕ Stress Group

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