Coping Strategies Digital Activities Seasonal Bundle Google + Boom Cards


You Save: $5.50 (21%)

Elementary (2nd-5th)

Researched Based

Ready to Play

Zero Prep


This is a digital resource. You will receive instantly upon purchase.

Looking for an engaging way to help students learn new coping strategies? These digital games and activities require no prep and are ready to send to students or be played in person. Having something fun and holiday themed is great for keeping students engaged all year long.

This bundle includes a Google Slides and Boom Cards version of each resource. The Google Slides versions are completely editable so you can adjust them to fit your students' needs.

This bundle saves you 20% and you will have a fun coping strategy activity for every season!

This bundle Includes:

Each Activity Includes:

  • 22 scenarios
  • 12 coping strategies for students to choose from
  • 5 opportunities for students to type in things that make them feel angry or sad
  • link to editable Google™ Slides activity
  • Instructions
  • Video preview

These resources include both a Google Slides and Boom Card version and can be played on multiple devices (laptop, iPad, Smartboard, etc). The Google version is completely editable and must be played in edit mode. The Boom Card version includes audio on every slide to assist with reading. Instructions are included with both versions.

Each digital activity has the same 16 core scenarios and 6 unique/seasonal scenarios. They can be used with students as a class, in groups, or individually. Students will learn easy, applicable strategies to use when they are feeling strong emotions.


⁕ Holiday Countdown Bundle

⁕ Coping Strategies Journal

Self-Regulation Mega Bundle

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