Coping Strategies Toolbox Digital Activity - Google Slides & Boom Cards Versions


Elementary (2nd-5th)

Researched Based

Ready to Play

Zero Prep


This is a digital resource. You will receive instantly upon purchase.

Help students learn coping strategies to use to help them calm down with this paperless digital activity! It can be used with students as a class, in groups, or individually. Students will learn easy, applicable strategies to use when they are feeling strong emotions as they drag and drop the tool coping strategies into the toolbox.

It can be used with students in a class, small group, or individually. This editable product can be played in Googleā„¢ Slides or Boom Learning and can be used on multiple devices. (laptop, iPad, Smartboard, etc)

The Boom Card version has been updated to include audio on every slide to assist with reading.

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  • Link to editable Googleā„¢ Slides activity
  • Link to Boom Learningā„¢ activity
  • Teacher/counselor instructions

Benefiting Students

It is impossible for students to practice self-regulation if they do know what "tools" or coping strategies they have at their disposal. This game will help them identify the tools they already have and work towards creating new ones.

At a minimum, this digital activity will introduce students to new coping strategies.

Saving Time

This activity is ready to use and designed to be no-prep.

Who is this Lesson Designed For?

This activity is designed for students grades 1-5 but the slides are completely editable and can be changed to fit a wide variety of student needs.

What are Boom Cards?

Boom cards are hosted on their own platform called Boom Learning. Boom Cards are paperless, no prep, interactive, self-grading and SUPER FUN! Setting up an account is FREE and your students can have access to these interactive games right away.


ā• Digital Resources Bundle

ā• Self Regulation Mega Bundle

ā• Coping Strategies Journal

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