Expected Behaviors Social Skills Card Game


Elementary (2nd-5th)

Researched Based

Fun and Engaging

Easy to Implement

Digital Download

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Expected Behaviors Card Game: is a fun way to discuss examples of expected and unexpected behaviors with students! The game can be played over and over again and offers a great opportunity for discussion.

With a limited number of response cards students have to think creatively to choose the best option for the scenario's expected behavior.

This game is played similarly to Apples to Apples


12 Scenario Cards

 32 Response Cards



Expected Behaviors Card Game will help students develop social skills, use social communication, and reinforce pragmatics.


Expected Behaviors Card Game offers a fun and engaging way to talk about expected and unexpected behaviors. The game is designed to generate both funny and real answers to common scenarios that students face.


This game is designed to be very low-prep.

Who is this Group Designed For?

“Expected Behaviors Card Game” is designed for students grades 3-6.


⁕ School Counseling Board Game Bundle

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Give each student 4 response cards. Students take turns flipping over the big scenario card and reading it aloud. Students put down a card that best matches the scenario and would be an expected behavior. The game is funny as some of the cards won’t make sense at all in the scenario and make it sound silly. The student with the scenario card reads each response card aloud and chooses the one that best fits the situation. The student who turned in that response card wins that round. Players keep 4 response cards in their hand at all times, grabbing a new one at the beginning of each round. The first player to win 3 scenario cards, or who has the most scenario cards when the cards run out, wins the game!

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