Self-Regulation Bulletin Board and Class Decor Self-Regulation Station Check-In
Elementary (2nd-5th)
This is a digital resource. You will receive instantly upon purchase.
This self-regulation bulletin board is designed to be a functional check-in system. Students will self-reflect on which emotional state they are in and indicate it to the teacher/counselor by placing a Velcro button on the corresponding temperature.
You can use this with an entire class, small group, or individual student!
Self Regulation Station Includes:
↠ Teacher’s guide / implementation tips
↠ 3 self-regulation posters
↠ Letters and images in both color and b&w
How To Use:
Beside the thermometer adhere a piece of vertical Velcro. Then add Velcro to the back of the “today I feel” buttons so the students can use them to check-in. Write numbers or student names on the back of the buttons so they can anonymously check in.
Initially, it can be difficult for students to understand their feelings and how to react to them. By externalizing their feelings to temperatures students can gain a better understanding of their triggers and how to manage their emotions.
At a minimum, the bulletin board serves as a reminder to students and the check-in process allows students to share their current state without having to voice it out loud.
⁕ Ready to Regulate Small Group
⁕ Self-Regulation Super Bundle
⁕ School Counseling Office Bundle
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