Self-Regulation Flip Book What Color Is Your Pumpkin? Fall Counseling Activity


Elementary (2nd-5th)

Researched Based

Fun and Engaging

Easy to Implement

Digital Download

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Self-Regulation Fall Flip Book: This fall-themed self-regulation flip book and activity pack helps explain self-regulation while allowing students to externalize their feelings to a pumpkin. Separating their feelings from their identity makes it easier for younger students to relate and it helps them to feel more in control of their emotions and actions. This would be a perfect Halloween or Thanksgiving activity to help keep students engaged!

**** Save over 25% and add digital and bullying prevention activities with my Fall Counseling Super Bundle****

Students will learn which feelings and actions are associated with each color and will receive suggestions for how to regulate their emotions. The worksheet component helps students apply the information to their daily life by reflecting on recent situations.

What's Included?

  • Self-regulation flipbook
  • Self-regulation seed sort activity
  • Self-regulation interactive worksheet
  • Detailed instruction / example pages for the teacher / counselor



⁕ Self-Regulation Mega Bundle

Fall Counseling Super Bundle

⁕ Self-Regulation Pumpkin Boom Cards Digital Activity

⁕ Size of the Problem Pumpkins Boom Cards Digital Activity

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